Games for Cats! - Mouse, Laser Pointer & Fish (iPad and iPhone App)

Games for Cats! - Mouse, Laser Pointer & Fish (iPad and iPhone App)

241 View

Publish Date:
May 16, 2024
App Games
Video License
Standard License
Imported From:
Sponsored Area

The App:

Let me know how you like it! And what I could improve. I read all the comments!

• If you play on an iPad or iPhone, put it on a flat surface near your cat.
• Choose a level
• Enjoy watching your kitten chase laser pointers, mice, fish and score points (if you have the app)! It's very likely your kitten will react to the different sounds and try to catch the mouse, laser or fish! It's entertainment for the whole family (including pets!)

Games for Cats! is an all-new app with three games designed especially for cats. Choose a level and get ready to watch your cat chase a laser pointer, mouse or fish!