Preview of "Little Kitten - My favorite Cat" by Fox and Sheep GmbH. This cute kids app is available for: iPad & iPhone
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App Description (iTunes):
* Kitten Hide&Seek
* Paw Painting - creativity, Mix red, yellow, blue to get every imaginable color - your child will learn realistic paint mixing, then come up with your own master piece using a paw print or a standard brush.
* Mouse & Cheese - Memorize where the zones are to sneak mouse past little kitten over to the cheese. Or just have some laughs seeing what happens when little kitten catches the mouse!
* Bed Trampoline - Discover all little kitten's hidden tricks and moves!
* Animal Puzzle - Mix and match funny animal combinations to earn biscuits that you can then feed to your little kitten.
* Feeding - Each time you play a mini-game you receive cat food snacks, children love feeding little kitten and watching it licking it's lips and purr after a good feed!
* Cat-in-the-box educational mini game
What's New:
The new update is packed with new jokes, lovely animations and more mini games:
* The painting game lets you now save and share all of your drawings.
* A new mini-game: The doll can now blow balloons. Watch them float up...then pop them all! :-)
* New interactions and hidden surprises in the bedtime scene.
* Optimised controls and on-boarding
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