12 MORE MUST OWN Nintendo Switch Hidden Gems

12 MORE MUST OWN Nintendo Switch Hidden Gems

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Today we share our thoughts on 12 MORE MUST OWN hidden gems for the Nintendo Switch. The console is in the latter half of its life cycle now and these are the games not to miss out on! Be sure to share yours down in the comments!


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Games in today's video:
Intro: 0:00
Metal Max Xeno Reborn: 1:01
Caladrius Blaze: 2:02
Gigantic Army: 2:53
Sense A Cyberpunk Story: 3:45
Fault Milestone One: 4:42
Black Future 88: 5:30
Death End Series: 6:32
Miss Kobayashi: 7:57
Eternal Radiance: 8:46
Empire of Angels IV: 9:44
Dragon Star Varnir: 10:53
Please consider Subscribing!: 11:59