Might & Magic! | Mage and Monsters - Review (Nintendo Switch)

Might & Magic! | Mage and Monsters - Review (Nintendo Switch)

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In this indie game review we are going to be taking a look at Mage and Monsters, an auto-battler which tasks you with building an army and using spells to defeat waves of enemies and earn blood shards to unlock permanent upgrades.

Mage & Monsters is an active auto battler, where you must choose wisely between upgrading the might of your army, or increasing the power of your spells.

- 8 mages each with a special bonus and starting spell. And Gus.
- 25 distinct units you can recruit, and 35 different monsters to defeat.
- 11 unique spells you can use in battle to help your army.
- Earn Blood Shards by playing that can be spent on Power Ups before starting a new game.
- An arena and a forest map, each with 30 normal levels followed by 5 levels of endgame.

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Buy the game digitally

Mage and Monsters Nintendo Switch
UK - https://www.nintendo.co.uk/Games/Nintendo-Switch-download-software/Mage-Monsters-2413841.html
US - https://www.nintendo.com/store/products/mage-and-monsters-switch/

Loco Parentis Steam - https://store.steampowered.com/app/1950440/Mage_and_Monsters/
Loco Parentis Playstation - https://store.playstation.com/en-gb/concept/10008440
Loco Parentis Xbox - Link Unavailable.

Might & Magic! | Mage and Monsters Review (Nintendo Switch)

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