FRACTURED ONLINE is Generic and Inoffensive | Early Access Review

FRACTURED ONLINE is Generic and Inoffensive | Early Access Review

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Publish Date:
September 15, 2022
Online Gaming
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Oh, Fractured. You do SO MANY things. But you do them so... averagely (if that's a word). To be sure, there is a lot to at least casually enjoy in this old school sandbox MMORPG. I just ultimately think your time is better spent elsewhere. To prove it to you, let's put FRACTURED ONLINE under the MEGA the microscope and review what this game does right and wrong.

FynestLyk - Noir Et Blanc Vie
Running Errands - TrackTribe
By the Fireplace - TrackTribe

#fracturedmmo #review #pc #gaming #fractured #fracturedonline #videogames

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