If PS5 Next Gen decided to go full ultra realistic Mode: Playstation 5 Demo Graphics

If PS5 Next Gen decided to go full ultra realistic Mode: Playstation 5 Demo Graphics

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Publish Date:
April 18, 2021
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Physical games for the PS5 Next Gen use 100GB optical disks, inserted into an optical drive that doubles as a 4K Blu-ray player, and the next-generation hardware boasts a completely raytracing tech Demo revamped UI on next Gen Playstation 5 Ultra realistic Mode Graphics

They are all definitely worth playing. So, no hesitation, go for it. If you are into video gaming, you won't regret it. The additional benefit is that you will find a lot of inexpensive or second hand games, while the PS5 games will cost a lot when they are released.

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By: HenryTheGamer
Title: If PS5 Next Gen decided to go full ultra realistic Mode: Playstation 5 Demo Graphics
Sourced From: www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzknH7nzdGk

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