5 Best New Games Releasing in February 2023 | What Should You Play?
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For the last 4 months, I've been doing a regular series - "New MMORPGs Launching in x Month" - and they've honestly been very well received. But as a gamer, I love more than just MMOs.
As of the last couple years, I've actually grown to love and appreciate non-MMOs even more than I do MMOs, which leads me to a brand new video series I'm going to be doing, "New Games Launching in x Month," to help steer everyone with similar tastes to mine in the right direction.
Anime RPGs, first person shooters, survival games. Games that I'm genuinely anticipating and will probably play in my spare time.
Now let's jump in, and see if we can't find something for you to waste the next month in.
Now let's jump in.
Games included in this video:
Tales of Symphonia Remastered
Hogwarts Legacy
Wild Hearts
Atomic Heart
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