PS5 Needs To Copy Xbox Series X | PlayStation 5 Prices Are BAD | Xbox & Ps5 News

PS5 Needs To Copy Xbox Series X | PlayStation 5 Prices Are BAD | Xbox & Ps5 News

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The PS5 needs to copy what the Xbox Series X is doing when it comes to Smart Delivery and next generation games. Sony's PlayStation 5 has a pricing problem and it's bad.

Microsoft has made it easy for gamers to play games on the Xbox One and the Xbox Series X | S. Sony should copy what Xbox is doing to help make things easier for gamers.

Horizon Forbidden West has a massive paywall for features that are normal on Ps4 versions of games. Let's hope they start to change what's happening because right now the Xbox Series X is better.

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By: Zalker 87
Title: PS5 Needs To Copy Xbox Series X | PlayStation 5 Prices Are BAD | Xbox & Ps5 News
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